Fostering vibrant, sustainable & inspiring communities NWV GROUP

Who we are

Property Management

Property Management + Construction + Development

NWV Group uses an end-to-end understanding of the local real estate market to faithfully serve tenants, property owners, and investors with our property management, construction, and development services.

About NWV Group
Property Management Property Management

Serving Property Owners & tenants

Oregon investment property owners need a competent, honest, and transparent management partner during this challenging moment in the industry. We believe that responsibility extends to our tenants, which is why we strive to provide safe and secure housing while being responsive to their needs.

Owner & Tenant Resources

Learn more about our property management services by visiting our dedicated owner and tenant resource pages, where you’ll find contact information, helpful FAQs, maintenance request forms, and more.

Owner Resources Tenant Resources
Design & Development Design & Development

Building Thriving Communities

NWV Design develops and builds complex, highly customized project across all real estate categories, including LEED-certified, mixed-use, multifamily, single-family, infill, and assisted living. Our team can lead projects and work collaboratively with architecture, engineering, construction, and design partners to optimize our client’s vision and goals.

Our Services Our Services

How Can we help?

You have a dream. We have the experience to make it a reality. From spreadsheets to drawing boards to job sites and beyond, the NWV Construction team will be your most valuable resource as we collaborate to create innovative spaces where our neighbors can live, work, and thrive.

Design Services Development Services
NWV Facts

NWV Management overseesMore than 1,000 rental unitsthroughout portland and its suburbs.